Every 10 years the U.S. government conducts a census.
Responses are confidential as a matter of law. Only statistical information can be made public. Census employees face fines of 250,000 if they share personal information.
Important services depend upon an accurate count of where people live. These include the provision of federal money for education, health and other benefits, as well as representation in Federal and State legislatures. In mid-March, households will begin receiving official Census Bureau mail with detailed information on how to respond to the 2020 Census.
By April 1, 2020, every home will receive an invitation to participate in the 2020 Census. You will have three options for responding:
- Online
- By phone
- By mail
If a household does not respond in one of these ways by April 1, census takers will knock on their doors to obtain the information. We will publish more information in the future.
Right now the census is hiring for part time jobs paying good hourly wages.
Download the English flyer or the Spanish version
For further information come back in a few weeks, or go to 2020census.gov